Member Login |
Lambda Alpha International's members represent a diverse group of professional disciplines in fields related to the ownership and use of land and buildings. We invite new members interested in contributing their expertise and experience to our ongoing discourse and activities. Membership is by invitation only. Each chapter has its own procedures governing the nominating and vetting process of new members. Nominees not located near an existing chapter are vetted through the International Board of Governors. The criteria for membership specify that nominees: have achieved professional distinction, with a minimum of ten years of work experience, and made an outstanding contribution to the lives in the community through public service. Membership is by invitation only, but we welcome the interest of men and women experienced in the land professions. Practically, a person must have made an outstanding or noteworthy contribution to his or her profession and community and must have distinguished him or herself in academic pursuits. Candidates must have at least ten years of work experience in their field to be considered for membership. |
SUBMITTAL DATE: Membership nominations are accepted at any time prior to the deadline. We encourage early submissions.
DEADLINE: Friday, May 16, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.
Please read this carefully as the nomination requirements have changed.
Email invoicing for the following year is facilitated each November by International. 2025 dues are $325 or $375 per year depending on your membership type. Dues is calculated as follows:
The Chicago Region Chapter of Lambda Alpha International continually invites nominations for new members and will annually initiate a class of highly accomplished leaders representing the diverse professional disciplines related to land economics.
The Chicago Region Chapter seeks members who will be active in the organization and willing to contribute to our professional community. We continue to work towards a chapter membership that reflects racial, ethnic, and gender diversity.
LAI Chicago Region Chapter has a Member Support Fund to help with the cost of membership and attending events. If you think your candidate may benefit from this support, please share this link to the application [here.]
Criteria for Membership
The foremost criterion for membership is an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the development, redevelopment, preservation, or enhanced utilization of the world’s land resources.
The nomination should demonstrate the candidate has distinguished him or herself in the civic realm. The nominee’s service contributions must be documented in the nomination form and in the submitted résumé and/or cover letter.
Examples include:
- Service on a not-for-profit organization or society board of directors (minimum six months of service by the nomination deadline).
- Leadership role in a related industry organization.
- Continued service in a volunteer-based organization multiple times over a 12-month span.
- Community service that does not fall in a specific board, society or organization multiple times over a specified time span.
- Candidates must have least ten years of professional work experience in a field related to land economics.
Candidates must attend a minimum of two (2) LAI events prior to the nomination submittal on May 17. Event attendance does not need to be in the same year or in the year in which the candidate is applying.
Nomination Process
As a sponsor/cosponsor, you will need to submit a cover letter, signed by the sponsor and cosponsor, highlighting the qualifications of the nominee and the reasons why the candidate should be considered for membership.
You will need to share this application [link] with your candidate to complete his/her/their part of the application. We ask that you stay in touch with your candidate to be sure the application deadline is met.
Submissions to the Membership Committee must include the following:
- A cover letter, signed by the sponsor and cosponsor, highlighting the qualifications of the nominee and the reasons why the candidate should be considered for membership.
- Citation For Membership Certificate. Complete this statement in less than 20 words for the nominee’s citation. This citation will appear on the membership certificate should the nominee be admitted to the Chapter.
- A completed nomination form. (Nominee will submit.)
- The candidate’s résumé.(Nominee will submit.)
- A photo (head shot) in jpg format to be used at the Initiation Banquet. (Nominee will submit.)
- A signed copy of the LAI Ely Member Code of Conduct. (Nominee will submit.)
All membership nominations for the 2025 class are due by 5:00 p.m. Friday, May 16, 2025. Nominations received after that time will be considered for the 2026 class.
Rules and Responsibilities for Sponsors
- Sponsors and cosponsors must be members in good financial standing (including current dues paid) with Chicago Region Chapter and Lambda Alpha International and have a signed Member Code of Conduct on file with chapter administrator.
- A member may sponsor only one candidate per year and cosponsor only one other candidate per year.
- Sponsor, cosponsor and nominee must each be employed by separate firms.
- Sponsors are expected to ensure their nominees are interested in membership and active participation in the Chapter.
- Sponsors and cosponsors are expected to accompany their nominees to the New Member Initiation Banquet, which will take place Wednesday, October 15.
- We strongly encourage sponsors to accompany new members to programs and other events throughout the year to help them gain a level of comfort and familiarity with the organization and its membership.
We look forward to your nominations!